Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-In - Diet Buster

The week was a disaster as far as the diet goes, just look at the stats below.  And all the fault of this product:

My daughter introduced me to it after having it at school.  Nutella, nectar of the gods and elixir of love as far as I can tell.   I mean, seriously good.  "OMG, it rocks!" as Hungry Girl would say.  Similar to peanut butter but made of chocolate and hazelnuts.  Only problem is that is has about a gazillion calories in a tablespoon, which is the minimum amount you need to spread on a piece of toast. 

So, I've been a bad girl and the stats show it.  I will try to get back on track.

The stats:
weight lost this week: +1.6 pounds
weight lost YTD: 2.4 pounds

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, I intentionally don't buy something in fear I may really love it, Nutella is one such item. Oh I've seen it in the store, but so far I've resisted it!

    Good luck with next week's weigh-in!


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